The patent case layout in Equinox Corporate+ provides a structured and comprehensive view of all relevant information and activities related to patent cases. This help page will guide you through the various sections and fields available in the patent case layout.

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Patent Information


  • Reference: Unique identifier for the patent case.
  • Internal Title: Title of the patent pulled from the “patent family”.
  • Status: Current status of the patent case (e.g., pending, filed, granted).
  • Parent Patent: If applicable, the “parent” associated with the case (e.g. parent WO or EP case).
  • Patent Type: Type of patent (Validation of EP, First filing, Provisional, etc.).
  • Country: The country the patent was filed in.
  • Patent Country Code: Two letter abbreviation of the country the patent was filed in.
  • PTO Connection status: Provides information on whether the case is connected or not connected to the PTO. This connection will allow the patent to receive suggestions from the PTO regarding details such as the title, dates, numbers, etc.
  • Data Quality Score: Red flag if missing patent type, status, application date for pending/granted, or grant date for granted. Green flag if data is correct and aligned.




Official Dates & Numbers

Priority Date: The date on which a patent application is first filed with a patent office, establishing the applicant's priority right to the invention in question.

Application Date: The date on which a patent application is filed with a patent office, marking the official beginning of the patent application process.

Publication Date: The date on which a patent application is published by a patent office, making the details of the application available to the public.

Grant Date: The date on which a patent is officially granted by a patent office, providing the patent holder with exclusive rights to the invention for a specified period.

Nat/Reg Entry Date: The date on which a patent is officially entered into the national or regional patent register, indicating its legal recognition and enforceability.

Next Annuity Date: The next scheduled date for payment of annuity fees to maintain the validity of a patent.

Abandon Date: The date on which a patent application is formally abandoned or withdrawn by the applicant, typically due to the failure to meet certain requirements or deadlines.

Priority Number: A unique identifier assigned to a priority claim associated with a patent application, indicating the priority application from which priority is claimed.

Application Number: A unique identifier assigned to a patent application when it is filed with a patent office, used for tracking and reference purposes.

Publication Number: A unique identifier assigned to a published patent application, used for identification and retrieval of the published document.

Grant Number: A unique identifier assigned to a granted patent, used for identification and reference purposes.

National Number: A unique identifier assigned to a patent in a specific country or jurisdiction, used for tracking and reference purposes.

Expiry Date: The date on which the validity or term of a patent expires, marking the end of the period of exclusivity granted to the patent holder.



Official Title: The official title of a patent, which succinctly describes the subject matter or invention covered by the patent.

Abstract: A concise summary of the invention described in a patent document, providing an overview of the technical aspects, purpose, and potential applications of the invention without going into exhaustive detail. The abstract is typically located at the beginning of the patent document and serves as a brief introduction for readers.


System Information

Last Modified By: The date and time of the last modification to patent and the user who made this modification.

Created By: The date and time the patent was created within Equinox Corporate+.

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Open Activities: View and manage tasks, events, and other activities that are currently open or pending on the patent. This can include docketing tasks, renewal tasks, or any ad-hoc task that’s been created or assigned.

Activity History: Review a log of completed tasks, events, and activities for reference and record-keeping purposes on the patent.

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Documents (S-Drive integration)

Home: Navigate to the main page of the Documents section.

Download File: Retrieve a specific file from the document repository to your local device.

Initiate Download Job: Commence the process of downloading multiple files or a large file.

Upload File(s): Transfer one or more files from your local device to the document repository.

Email File(s): Send selected files directly from the document system via email.

Create New Folder: Establish a new folder within the document system to organize files systematically.

Delete selected file(s): Remove chosen files from the document repository.

Cut: Relocate selected files or folders to another location within the document system.

Copy: Duplicate selected files or folders within the document system.

Paste: Insert copied or cut files or folders into a new location within the document system.

Attach from S-Drive Folders: Access and attach files from specific folders within the S-Drive storage system (globally accessible files).

Create Shortcuts: Generate quick access links to frequently used files or folders.

List View: Display files and folders in a list format for efficient navigation and organization.

Thumbnail View: Present files and folders as thumbnails or previews for visual identification.

Grid View: Arrange files and folders in a grid layout for a compact overview.

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Key Contacts: 

Owner: The individual responsible for the overall management and decision-making regarding the task, document, or project.


In-house Attorney: A legal professional employed by the organization who provides legal advice, conducts legal research, and handles various legal matters internally.


Paralegal: A legal assistant or support staff member who assists attorneys with tasks such as document preparation, research, and administrative duties.


Patent Engineer: A specialized engineer with expertise in patent law and intellectual property who assists in the technical aspects of patent applications and patent-related tasks.


Case Manager: The individual responsible for overseeing and coordinating various aspects of a legal case, including scheduling, document management, communication with clients and other parties, and ensuring that deadlines are met.

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Legal Associate and External Agent:

Managing Associate: The attorney at the law firm (or law firm) who is responsible for overseeing and managing specific legal cases or matters. The managing associate typically supervises other attorneys, provides guidance on complex legal issues, and ensures that cases are progressing smoothly.


Managing Associate Reference: The case reference associated with the managing associate, serving as a point of identification or reference for the specific legal case or matter they are managing. This reference may be used internally within the law firm for tracking purposes and client communication.


Local Associate: An attorney or law firm based in a specific geographic location who handles legal matters related to that region. Local associates are familiar with local laws, regulations, and court procedures, and they may work closely with clients in the area.


Local Associate Reference: The case reference associated with the local associate, serving as a point of identification or reference for the specific legal case or matter they are handling within their geographic region. This reference may be used internally within the law firm for tracking purposes and client communication.


Drafting Associate: An attorney or legal professional specialized in drafting legal documents, contracts, pleadings, and other written materials. Drafting associates ensure that legal documents are clear, accurate, and in compliance with relevant laws and regulations.














Annuities Information:

Next Annuity Date: The date on which the next annuity payment for a patent, trademark, or other intellectual property right is due.


Next Annuity Detail: Specific information regarding the next annuity payment, including the amount due, payment method, and any relevant instructions.


PAVIS Registration: Has the case been successfully submitted to PAVIS


Payment Managed By: The entity or individual responsible for managing annuity payments, which may include a law firm, intellectual property management company, or the owner of the intellectual property rights.


Licensed: Indicates whether the intellectual property rights are licensed to third parties for use, or if they are solely owned by the primary owner.


USPTO Entity Status: The current status of the entity associated with the intellectual property rights as registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Applicants can benefit from reduction on most fees charged by the USPTO regarding their status.


Annuity Provider: The entity or service provider responsible for administering annuity payments on behalf of the intellectual property owner.


Type of Order: Specifies the nature of the order such as standing order (automatically pay), single order (decision must be submitted for payment to be made), or list only.


Primary Owner: The individual or entity that holds primary ownership of the intellectual property rights, typically the inventor or the assignee of the rights.


Currency: The currency in which annuity payments and other financial transactions related to the intellectual property rights are conducted, such as USD (U.S. dollars), EUR (euros), or GBP (British pounds).A screenshot of a computer

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PTO Comparison:

Introducing the "PTO Comparison" Section:

Experience seamless patent management with our innovative "PTO Comparison" feature, designed to streamline your workflow and ensure data accuracy.


Within the patent case interface, the "PTO Comparison" section offers a comprehensive view of key fields, including application number, publication number, title, and more. Leveraging Equinox Corporate+'s robust capabilities, this section automatically identifies disparities between the information stored within your system and the official data sourced directly from the patent office.


Effortlessly navigate through suggested updates as Equinox Corporate+ highlights variations, empowering users to make informed decisions with confidence. Choose to accept or reject proposed changes, ensuring alignment with authoritative patent records and maintaining data integrity.


With the "PTO Comparison" section, optimize your patent management process by seamlessly reconciling discrepancies and staying up-to-date with the latest information from the patent office. Unlock efficiency and accuracy in patent case management like never before.

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Similar to the family component on the right, the family tab will allow you to view the other members of the family and the display can be configured to highlight all the pertinent information you would like to see on that particular case.

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You will also have the ability from this page to add new members to the family, or to adjust the details of the other members in the family with the “new” and “family adjust” button at the top right. You can use the family adjust for example to edit the in-house attorney assigned to the case across the family, or quickly edit titles of multiple members in one quick action.

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Invoices within your intellectual property management system represent bills received from the firm or external service providers for services rendered in relation to patent cases. These invoices detail the services provided by the firm, such as legal consultations, patent searches, filing fees, or maintenance fees, along with their associated costs. They include information such as the description of services, quantity, rates, total amounts due, payment terms, and billing contact information of the firm. Invoices serve as records of financial transactions between your organization and the firm, ensuring accurate tracking and payment for services provided in the management of patent cases.


Budgets in your intellectual property management system outline the expected expenditures associated with handling patent cases over a specified period. They include projections for expenses such as legal fees, filing fees, maintenance fees, and other costs related to patent prosecution and maintenance. Budgets help ensure that financial resources are allocated efficiently, monitor spending against planned amounts, and facilitate financial planning and decision-making regarding patent cases.


Costs within your intellectual property management system represent projected expenses associated with anticipated actions and milestones within patent cases. These projected costs are influenced by user-defined forecasts and include expenses such as legal fees, filing fees, maintenance fees, translation costs, and other anticipated expenditures related to patent prosecution and maintenance. Costs are forecasted based on planned actions and timelines within the patent case, allowing for proactive budgeting, financial planning, and resource allocation. They serve as estimates of future financial commitments and help ensure that adequate resources are available to support the management and progression of patent cases.












Here, you'll find a detailed log of activities and changes tracked within the patent case interface. Up to 20 fields can be tracked on the patent case, and up to 6 fields on the activities and tasks related to the patents.

Field History Tracking (

With Field Audit Trail, you can track up to 60 fields per object, and archived field history is stored until you manually delete it. Otherwise, it’s only stored for 18 to 24 months.

Every interaction, modification, and update to your patents is meticulously recorded, offering a chronological timeline of events that shape your patent portfolio. From status changes to document uploads, the "History" section provides transparency into the evolution of your patents.

Navigate through the activity log effortlessly, gaining insights into user actions, timestamps, and relevant details. With real-time updates and historical context at your fingertips, empower your team to make informed decisions and enhance collaboration.

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The related tab allows you to add list of any other related object you would like. By default, you will find references and contracts but you can link any object within the system together (such as workspaces, products, etc.) which can be quite helpful for navigation and reporting purposes.

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