An option to generate an IDS in official format is available for US patents

Generating an IDS

To generate an IDS:

  1. Click on "Generate IDS".

2. On a new page, you'll start a workflow to complete your IDS.  If your patent is published, the necessary data will be completed automatically.

If your patents isn't published, you can complete the data manually.


  • Step 1 : Add your patent(s) prior art

You can add your prior art in two different ways:

  • Manually: Enter the publication number of the patent you want to cite, and the information will be automatically retrieved from the Questel database.
  • By importing a CSV file : Enter the publication number of each patent and the necessary information will be retrieved automatically.


  • Step 2 : Add your NPL document(s) prior art

The second step is to add "Non patent literature". In the same way you can add it manually or via a csv.

In the csv template, simply enter the NPL description (one line / NPL). 

Note that the USPTO requires the following format: Include name of the author (in CAPITAL LETTERS), title of the article (when appropriate), title of the item (book, magazine, journal, serial, symposium, catalogue, etc), date, pages(s), volume-issue number(s), publisher, city and/or country where published.

  • Step 3 : Check documents

The third step lets you choose which documents you want to export for each prior art (e.g., English equivalent, English translation, original document). You can select multiple documents.

  • Step 4 : Sign and/or generate IDS

The last step lets you export to your computer all the documents and the completed IDS in official format. 

Note: You can modify the IDS and correct the data if necessary.